Current projects

Collab with Scrollbar
This is a project with collaboration between , the and the . The aim of the project is to give the Tenders of ScrollBar tools to handle harassment or sexual harassment cases. This project emerged in addition to the Here to Help campaign which the above mentioned Committee released in the autumn semester 2023. Update: Currently, the workshop is in the planning phase and is scheduled to be implemented in the upcoming semester, coinciding with the election of new bartenders for ScrollBar. Project coordinators


Better SPS Flow
We are working towards streamlining the application process for SPS students to give them a better overview of the applications and their respective responses and better their experience at ITU. We are currently working towards collaborating with relevant departments at ITU in order to kickstart the project and get further with our ideas. Update: We are in the progress of creating a survey that can further our understanding of which issues are the biggest that the SPS-experience is facing for the student. We are also looking at creating some life-hacks of how to better organize your email inbox to have a better overview of the SPS-process. Project coordinators


Reading Hall
We believe there is much wasted potential in the reading hall as it is currently set up. Therefore we are working closely with and to improve the interior and thereby replicating the atmosphere of Analog, in the reading hall so we can welcome more students to a cosy study environment. A big wish for the Student Council personally is to find a relevant space for a break/silent room for our students. Project coordinators