Student Council Board

We would love to hear from you, especially regarding partnerships or projects that can improve the student life at ITU.

You can often find our board members in Analog, where you are more than welcome to ask us about anything.

If you’d like to schedule a meeting with us either at our office or online, you can do so right here.

Viktor Shamal Andersen


I handle the day to day operations of the Student Council. This includes managing the Board, advising the Student Organisations and coordinating work with the various departments at ITU. If you need help with starting or running an organisation, have a suggestion for something that needs to change at ITU, or need guidance for where to go with a problem, please don't hesitate to book a meeting with me.

Sofie Amalie Spies


Hi everyone! I’m Sofie and currently in my 6th semester of Global Business Informatics. I recently took on the role of Treasurer for the Student Council, but have been a board member since May 2023. 

As Treasurer, I'm responsible for managing our Student Activity Fund (SAF), which involves handling finances, reimbursing student organisation members, managing invoices, updating budgets, and overseeing funding applications.

I'm deeply committed to fostering an inclusive and welcoming environment where everyone feels valued and included. One of the ways I pursue this is through my passion for student organisations. As a member of Scrollbar, Analog, and the Tutor team, I understand the important role these organisations play in creating community and connections within our university. I'm dedicated to supporting their growth and success in any way I can. 

Additionally, I'm actively involved in projects focused on enhancing accessibility and inclusivity at ITU, particularly through my work with Special Pedagogical Support (SPS). Together with my fellow board members Cecilie and Clara, we're striving to make meaningful improvements to ensure that every student feels supported and included. 

If you need help with any treasurer-related matters in your organisations, or if you have any good ideas for how we should improve our study environment, please feel free to reach out to me on Basecamp or via email at [email protected]. I'm here to listen and support our student community at ITU!

Clara Walther Jansen

Board member

My name is Clara, and I am a student at the IT University of Copenhagen pursuing a bachelor's degree in software development. I have a chronic illness, therefore I attend school part-time and receive SPS (Special Educational Support).

In collaboration with the Student Council, I now have the opportunity to use my own hard-earned experience to advise other students, who might be physically, cognitively and/or mentally challenged. I hope that being available to assist with requesting exemptions or to offer advice on how to manage studying while having impairments will help to lighten some of the burden at ITU.

Everyone is welcome and the door is always open for a chat - and of course, it also follows that I have a duty of confidentiality, which means that everything mentioned in conversation or by e-mail stays between us.


Board Member

As a Student Council board member pursuing a master's in Digital Innovation and Management, I work closely with the SPS team and fellow board members on a project to support students with disabilities, aiming to enhance their academic experience. I also promote awareness of SPS services, reaching out to students who may benefit but may be unaware of the support available. 

Additionally, I serve on the Sexual Harassment Committee (SHC), addressing discrimination and harassment cases within ITU. For assistance, you can contact me at [email protected], if you need assistance or just a simple talk regarding something you have experienced. 

Currently, I'm collaborating on a project with Scrollbar and the SHC to improve communication and management of unexpected situations within the student organizations and their events. You are always free to contact me on [email protected] no matter the inquiry.

Ida Engell Kold

Board Member

I currently study Global Business Informatics on my 3rd semester. I have been a member of the Student Council since May 2023. I am currently working on multiple projects within the Student Council. I am also an official member of the Sexual Harassment Committee which you can read more about on the ITU Student Website. You can contact me about anything if you felt unsafe in an ITU setting or if someone crossed your boundary, for an informal conversations about what can be done of the matter or if you just wish to discuss what happened. Feel free to also contact me about anything else Student Council related on [email protected]