Elections 2023 - How to run

October 26, 2023

There are lots of different ways to influence the day-to-day life at ITU, and one of the most impactful ones is representing your fellow students in the various university boards. They differ in scope, but they all focus on discussing which things can be improved at campus, ranging from curriculum, lecture scheduling and exam rules, to educational and financial focus areas. And everything in-between.

Read on to get a short introduction to the different boards, and find out if there's somewhere where you would want to apply yourself. If you've already decided you can find the sign up form right here:

Subject Area Teams

In the Subject Area Teams (SAT) you will participate in developing your own education. You will help with developing courses, specializations and ensuring cohesiveness throughout the education. You will also serve as part of the appeals board, who handles complaints about examinations.

You are representing your study line (for example all years of DDIT students) during the meetings and you will work as the direct link between the students and the SAT board.

Board of Studies

The Board of Studies is set up to ensure the students' influence on education and teaching. 

The Board of Studies must ensure planning, completion and development of education and teaching at ITU. 
The Board of Studies is composed of 8 members appointed by the Subject Area Teams and 2 members who are directly elected.

Board of Directions

The Board of Directors is the highest authority at the IT University. 

The Board of Directors is composed of 1 chairman and 8 members. The Board of Directors represents the interests of the university as an educational and scientific institution and establishes the guidelines for the organization, the long-range-activities and the development of the university.